RioOlympics2016 Schedule day by day.

Rio Olympics 2016 will start on August 3,2016. Opening ceremony of RIO OLYMPIC 2016 will be held on August 5,2016.#rioolympics2016 will be held in Brazil city Rio de Jenairo  from August 3 to August 21,2016.
On August 6 ,2016 fourth day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016 will decide first gold medal of the games.Total 7 gold medal will be decide on that day.Two gold medal in Judo and Shooting for each game will be decide.One gold medal for cycling,fencing and Weightlifting will be decide on August 6,2016.
In Rio OLYMPIC 2016 on August 7,2016 fifth day of games 13 gold medal will be decide. Four gold medal in swimming will be decide on that day. In Shooting,Weightlifting and Judo two two gold medal and one gold medal forarchery,fencing and cycling will be decide on fifth day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016.
On sixth day of Rio OLYMPIC 2016 August 8,2016 total 15 gold medal will de decide.Four gold medal in swimming will be decide on August 8,2016. Two gold medal for Weightlifting,Shooting,Judo and Canoeing and one gold medal in the event of archery,fencing and gymnastics.
On seventh day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016 on August 9,2016 the number of gold medal decide will be 14.In Swimming 5 gold medal willbe decide.Two gold medal in Weightlifting,Judo and shooting will be decide on August 9,2016.One gold medal for triathlon,fencing and gymnastics will be decide.

On 8th day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016 on August 10,2016 21 gold medal will be decide. Four gold medal in swimming will be decide on August 10,2016.Two gold medal in Canoeing,cycling,Equestrian,Fencing,judo and Weightlifting will be decide on August 10,2016.One gold medal in triathlon,table tennis,shooting, fencing and gymnastics.

On 9th day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016 on August 11 ,2016 total 15 gold medal will be decide. Five gold medal in swimming will be decide on August 11,2016.Shooting and Judo events will decide two two gold medals.One gold medal for table tennis, gymnastics, fencing, cycling, badminton and archery will be decide on 9th day of RIO OLYMPIC 2016.
On 10th day of Rio Olympic 2016 on August 12,2016 20 gold medal will be decided.Five gold medal in swimming,3 in cycling.Two gold medal in athletics,judo and weightlifting events.One gold medal in Archery, Badminton,diving,Fencing , Gymnastics and Shooting.
On 11th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 13 total 25 gold medal will be decideed. seven gold medal in rowing ,five in swimming and three in athletics events and two in shooting and wrestling.

One gold medal in Badminton,cycling,fencing,Equestrain,gymnastics and shooting. On 12th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 14 ,2016 total 32 gold medal will be decided. Seven gold medal in rowing,5 in Gymnastic and 6 gold medal in Atheletics events will be decided on that day.

Two gold medal in Badminton,cycling,Sailing, tennis and Wrestling will be decided on 12thday of Olympic games 2106.One gold medal in weight lefiting,one in shooting ,fencing and diving will be decide on that day.

On 13th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 15,2016 total 20 gold medal will be decided. Six gold medal in Athletics,5 in gymnastic and 3 in cycling will be decided on August 15,2016.Two in tennis and one gold medal for each in sailing,swimming,table Tennis and Weightlifting.
On 14th day of Rio Olympic 2016 on August 16,2016 fourteen number of gold medals will be decided.Five gold medal in Athletics, two in wrestling and sailing events and one gold medal in cycling, diving,swimming ,table tennis,weightlifting events.

On the 15th day of Rio Olympic 2016 on August 17,2016 total 15 number of gold medal will be decided. Four in Athletics,two in diving,sailing,Taekwondo and wrestling events.One gold in cycling,Equestrian and in water Polo.

On 16th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 18,2016 total 18 number of gold medal will be decided. Six Gold medals in Athletics events,two in diving,sailing,Taekwondo and in wrestling. one gold medal in equestrain,football,gymnastic,volleyball.

On 17th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 19,2016 total 21 number of Gold medals will be decided.Seven Gold medal in Athletics,two in Sailing,Swimming,Taekwondo and gold medal in cycling,Equestrain,Field Hockey,Football,Gymnastic,Modern Pentathlon and one gold medal in Synchronized swimming and volley ball.

On 18th day of Rio Olympic 2016 on August 20 totla 31 Gold medal will be decided. In Athletics 7 Gold medals ,in Canoeing 6 and in boxing five gold medal will be decided.Three gold medal in wrestling,two gold medals in Taekwondo Gold medal in Basketball, cycling, field hockey, handball,modern pentathlon,volleyball and in water polo events.

On 19th day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 21, 2016 total sixteen gold medal will be decided. This is the last day of Rio Olympic 2016 and closing ceremony will be held on that day. Six gold medal in Canoeing and boxing will be decided on last day of Rio Olympics 2016. One gold medal in Athletics,basketball,hand ball and volleyball will be decided on last day of Rio Olympics 2016 on August 21,2016.In Athletics Men’s Marathon will be held on last day of Olympics.

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