Among Top 5 most runs scorer in Ford Trophy New Zealand One Cup Tournament DP Conway of Wellington is top scorer with 553 runs.Colin Munro who scored three hundred in 8 innings is 2nd highest runs scorer in 8 innings.Munro scored 492 runs with average of 61.50 and SR of 135.16

1- DP Conway (Wellington) 553 Runs

DP Conway Score 553 runs in 10 innings with average of 55.30 .Conway scored with SR of 99.46.Conway Scored 2 hundred and 4 fifties in 10 innings. He hit 50 fours and 10 Sixes facing 556 balls.

2- Colin Munro (Auckland) 492 Runs

Colin Munro Score 492 runs in 8 innings with average of 61.50 .Munro scored with SR of 135.16 .Munro Scored 3 hundred and 8 innings. He hit 55 fours and 23 Sixes facing 492 balls.

3- JCT Boyle ( Canterbury) 491 Runs

JCT Boyle Score 491 runs in 11 innings with average of 49.10 .Boyle scored with SR of 81.29 .Boyle Scored 2 hundred and 2 fifties in 11 innings. He hit 49 fours and 6 Sixes facing 604 balls.

4- NT Broom (Otago) 471 Runs

NT Broom Score 471 runs in 10 innings with average of 47.10 .NT Broom scored with SR of 80.78 .Conway Scored 2 hundred and 3 fifties in 10 innings. He hit 42 fours and 4 Sixes facing 583 balls.

5 – CJ Bows (Canterbury) 428 Runs

CJ Bows Score 428 runs in 11 innings with average of 4755 Bows scored with SR of 88.70 Conway Scored 1 hundred and 1 fifty in 11 innings. He hit 53 fours and 5 Sixes facing 428 balls.

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