Head To Head Victoria Mens vs New South Wales Mens #VICvNSW Marsh One Day Cup

Victoria and New South Wales played  60 one Day matches head to head. Victoria won 30 and New South Wales won 27.

Head to Head Batting Stats Victoria vs New South Wales

Victoria  Batting Stats

Nic Maddinson8379269535.4689.09
Peter Handscomb118108360938.8090.97
Marcus Harris5150148831.0086.36
Matthew Short4642108827.2080.35
Sam Harper222249023.3390.40
Mackenzie Harvey44227.7556.36
Will Sutherland161318214.0081.25
Jonathan Merlo7615831.6090.28

New South Wales Batting stats

Moises Henriques114104291333.1086.33
Kurtis Patterson5247128332.0778.95
Daniel  Hughes3029147956.8887.25
Jason Sangha556312.6057.27
Oliver Davies4414448.00123.07
Mathew  Gikes10920923.22105.02
Jack Edwards141351142.5889.49

 Victoria vs New South Wales  Bowling Stats Head to Head

New  South Wales Bowling Stats

Chris Tremain3029475.6833.0
Ben Dwarshius77125.4927.5
Liam Hatchers1010156.7132.8
Hayden Kerr1112.1248
Harry Conway1010145.4836.5
Moises Henrique11493825.2043.2

  Victoria  Men   Bowling Stats

Will Sutherland1616275.9429.6
Jonathan Merlo77135.9825.6
Todd Murphy2224.0960
Will Parker1116.0044.00
Brody Couch2215.1578.00
Sam Elliot1126.6627.00

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