Rio Olympics result:Usain Bolts Wins 100m  in 9.81s

Usain Bolt Jamaican athelete win 100 m event in Rio Olympics Games creating history.Usain bolts win this race in 9.81 seconds and won third successive gold medal in 100 m in three olympics from 2008 to 2016.Bolts won 100 in Beijing Olympics in 9.69 seconds .In London Olympics Bolts second gold medal in 100 m in 9.93 seconds  .In Rio Olympics Bolts created history by winning 100 m event in Olympics third successive time.Bolt won Gold medal in 100m in Rio Olympics 2016 in 9.81 seconds.American Justin Gatlin took silver medal in 100 m in 9.89 seocnds.
Canadian athelete Andre De Grasse took bronze medal in  100 m   in 9.91 second.Usain Bolts team mates Yohan Black took fourth popsition in
Rio Olympic games 2016 .Black took 9.93 second to complete the race.
Usain Bolts became first athlete in history who have won 100 m   race  in three Olympics.American great athelete Carl levis won  100m in two successive Olympics 1984 and 1988.It   is 7th gold medal of Usain Bolts in  Olympic  from 2004 to 2016.

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