RWC 2019: Rugby World Cup 2019 Pools and Teams ranking : #RWC 2019: Rugby World Cup 2019 Pools and Teams ranking will let the lovers of #RCW2019. #RugbyWorldCup 2019 is  being played in #Japan from Sep 20 to November 2, 2019. It is first time #RWC19 history that RWC is  being played in Asia. The Venue for 9th RWC is Japan. Total 20 teams are taking part in RWC 2019.These 20 Teams are divided into 4 pools B Each pool has 5 teams. It is 9th edition of RWC. Previous 8th RWC winner are New Zealand 3 times, Australia and South Africa 2 time and England  1 times.

RWC 2019 Japan

#RWC2019 Pool A Teams

In Pool A five teams are Ireland, Japan, Samoa, Russia and Scotland.

The ranking of Pool A team in RWC 2019 is :

Ireland 2nd rank,  Scotland 8th,  Japan 9th ,Samoa 16th  and Russia 20th Rank team in Rugby.

Ireland, Scotland and Japan will compete for quarter final  place in RWC 2019.Japan is host country and has improved  in recent years  quickly.

Pool B Teams RWC 2019.

In Pool  B  5 teams Italy, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa ,Namibia

RWC Wolrd Ranking of Pool B teams in RWC 2019 is.

New Zealand   1st, South Africa 5th,Italy 14th , Canada 22th and Namibia 23th

New Zealand is  best team in RWC history .New Zealand won 3 time RWC in 1987,2011 and 2015.

South  Africa has won RWC 2 times  in  1995 and  2007.

New Zealand and South Africa are favorite for quarterfinal place from Group B  in RWC 2019.

Rugby World Cup Pool C Teams

In Pool C 5 teams are England, France, USA, Argentina and Tonga.

Ranking of Pool C team in RWC is:

England 3rd, France 7th, Argentina 11th, USA 13th, and Tonga 15th.

From Group C England has won RWC  2003.

France and England are favorite  from group C  for quarterfinal spot in RWC 2019. Argentina can also make threat for any team.

Pool D Teams RWC 2019

In Pool D RWC 2019 five teams are Australia, Wales, Georgia, Uruguay and Fiji

Ranking of Pool D team in RWC is

Wales 4th, Australia 6th, Fiji 10th, Georgia 12th,Uruguay 19th

In group D Australia has won RWC two times 1991 and 1999.From Group D Australia and Wales are favorite for Quarterfinal position in CWC 2019.

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