Hazratullah Zazai 57(36) highlights- Dhaka Dynamites vs Khulna titans BPL 2019 5th match report DHD vs KT

Hazaratullah Zazai 57(36) highlights

Dhaka Dynamites vs Khulna Titans

5th match BPL 2019

Hazratullah Zazai 2nd fifty in BPL 2019-Dhaka Dynamites vs Khulna Titans 5th match report


Dhaka Dynamites Afghan open batsman Hazratullah Zazai struck 2nd fifty in BPL 2019.Zazai scored 57 on 36 balls.Zazai struck 3 fours and 5 sixes in his innings.

Zazai struck 27 runs in Shariful Islam overs with three sixes and two fours.This is second Consecutive fifty plus score of Zazai in BPL 2019. In 2nd match of Bangladesh Premier League 2019 BPL6

Chittagong vs Rajshahi Kings Zazai scored

78 runs on 41 balls.He struck 4 fours and 7 sixes vs Rajshahi Kings.

Hazratullah Zazzai has scored 135 in BPL 2019 two matches.He hit 7 fours and 12 sixes in 77 balls.

Zazai has struck 20 boundaries in 77 balls in BPL 2019.

Zazai SR vs Rajshahi Kings was 190.24 and vs Khulna Titans is 158.33.

Zazai average SR in two matches is 175.32%.

Hazratullah Zazai has scored 22 matches and scored 847 runs with SR of 160 Plus.He has faced 524 balls and hit 81 fours and 58 sixes .Zazai hit total 139 boundaries on 524 balls.He hit boundaries on every fourth balls in T20.