Usain Bolt win third gold medal in Rio Olympics 2016 in 4 x 100 relay race .

Usain Bolt win third gold medal in Rio Olympics 2016 in 4 x 100 relay race .


Usain Bolt win third gold medal in Rio Olympics 2016 in 4 x 100 relay race

Usain Bolt win third gold medal in Rio Olympics .Jamaica won 4 x 100 relay race in third succussive Olympics.It was Usain ninth gold medals in three Olympics.Japan team got silver medals and USA got Bronze medal. Jamaica won 4 x 100 in 37.27 seconds.
Japan team got silver medal in 4 x 100 meters relay race in 37.60 seconds and USA got bronze in 37.64 seconds.
Usain won three gold medal in 100 meters in three successive Olympics .In 2008 beijing Olympics Usain won first gold medal in 100 meters and in London Olympics 2012 Usain Bolt won second consecutive gold in 100 meters and in Rio 2016 Usain won third gold medal in 100 meters.
Usain Bolts won three gold medals in 200 meters in three Olympics. First in Beijing ,second in London and third is in Rio.
Usain Won three successive gold medals in three Olympics in 4 x 100 meters relay race.